

among the thorns


fábulas de samaniego


jaguarundi was roaming his territory

when he heard a child cry,

it was coming from a mound of cacti.

in the middle of the cactus was this child.




the child and jaguarundi were staring at each other when

a voice "jaguarundi take care of the child or i will kill you"

jaguarundi looked all around the cactus but could find nothing.



the voice continued "i am the wind, i will spread your scent everywhere.

whatever you seek to eat will be warned and hide.

those that seek to eat you will find you quite easily.

sorry jaguarundi, i will help".

jaguarundi was contemplating his situation when

the howling of coyotes helped him to decide.

he joined the child in their hiding place protected by the cactus

to think up a plan.

with a sigh said "aw shit" to himself